May 21 2011: Doomsday Rumors Spread Across U.S.

Here already two weeks it is frightened by the American researcher of bible Harold [Kemping] and by his organization “family radio”. Two weeks ago, I randomly fell on their Russian-language site (, on which are given the irrefutable proofs of the fact that on May 21, 2011, will begin the terrible law court, and on October 21, 2011 the Earth will be destroyed God of [ognem].
As the proof they give the result of studies of Harold [Kemping]:
To cite

We know the precise date of the crucifix Of [iisusa]. The first April 33 A.D. only
one date, which satisfies all biblical requirements. Since, this
there was Friday, which coincided with the precise date of the Jewish of Easter, when the Christ
it was they [raspyat]. We also know that during the first day Of [sudnogo] day, on May 21, 2011,

God children will be taken away at the skies. The time interval between these two
it is 722500 days by events. This fact gives error-free to us,
the absolute proof that on May 21, 2011 - date of fence by the father of its
children and the beginning of terrible law court.
Astronomers have long ago determined, that the average duration of one year comprises
365.2422 days. Therefore in our contemporary calendar we have each
the fourth year - leap year (366 days). Thus, the average year
for four years it is 365.25 days. But 0.25 it is more than 0.2422,
therefore every 128 years one day of the calendar descends for the maintenance
this accuracy.
Since April 1, 33. A.D. until April 1, 2011. - 1978
years (2011 - 33 = 1978). If each year is 365.2422 days, then
1978 years will be 722449 days (1978 * 365.2422 =722449). Number of days with 1
April 2011 until May 21, 2011 (including the first and last day)
it will be 51 days. After accumulating these yes of result, we will obtain 722500 days
(722449 + 51=722500) since April 1, 33. until May 21, 2011. Number 722500
it is extremely important!

Furthermore, according to them will rescue only two hundred million selected, but who precisely these those selected knows only the Lord. And they assert that in 1994 the holy spirit left all positional churches; therefore there cannot be rescue, and antichrist performs the role of holy spirit in the temples.
I already two weeks attend their forum and in me the doubts apropos of that do appear, truth this or sect because their activity to the typical sectarian is not similar: not to time nothing they attempted from me to obtain, and they write constantly about one: it is necessary to pray and to diminish god about the rescuing.
Furthermore, people on the forum differ in terms of the thorough knowledge of bible - this is evident on how they rapidly find necessary verse from the bible for each specific case. The authenticity of their prophecy most of all frightens me, since it is based on the bible and not on than other.

Furthermore, I attempted to answer by verse “about the day that and the hour…”, but the reason proved to be to this in them:
To cite

“Here you see” - they say, citing this verse - “bible tells us that no one can know about the day and the hour”. They, also, can add: “even Jesus Christ does not know about the day and the hour; therefore your date 21- e May 2011 in the root is incorrect!”. And having, as a rule, drawn a similar statement and a conclusion, [otvergnuv] the remaining information, represented in the bible, such people remain with their opinion are, being assured that similar will not occur. “Indeed bible clearly indicates that we cannot know about the day and the hour…”.

Danil 12:4 A you, Danil, by the [sokroy] of word this and seal up the book this until recently; many will read it, and will be multiplied conducting ".

The given verse shows that the god of [sokryl] of word sealed up the book (bible) before the offensive of last time. Since, into the past centuries the biblical information was “sealed up”, no one of the people could know the time of the offensive of the end of the peace. However, the sense of verse from the book of Danil 12:4 lies in the fact that in the recent days press from the book will be taken. Moreover, “knowledge will be multiplied” with the offensive of quite last time. [Matfeya] 24:36 says that about the day that and the hour no one knows, but “only father my one”. God always knew the time of the end of the peace. Being the author of bible, it placed into it this information and its [sokryl] before the offensive of the specific time in the history of peace. And when this time came, god began to reveal to his people that which was before concealed.

If you begin to speak to any minister of church about the bottom 21- e May 2011 as the bottom of law court, result will most likely be the rejection of this fact. It is amazing, but in this question, almost all churches adhere to one point of view: however, “about the bottom that, no one knows…”. However, no one must rely on this. Contemporary churches very strongly stepped back from the truth. Different churches adhere to different studies, which contradict one- other on many questions (which attests to the fact that at the basis of their studies lie the false conclusions). However, Thus, this “unanimous” opinion and the visible agreement regarding “about the bottom that, no one knows…” there must not be that comforting for those, who adhere to this. On the contrary, this must be warning, since we, are reliable, we know that God anger and law court is accomplished above [tserkvyami] because of their inaccuracy and retreat: